We need your help! We have been asked to gather information on technology access for student. Please take a moment to complete the survey below for each child in your home who attends Aztec Schools: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc3euDZzOacV7gFCryhnmwY3Xn6aNNknUt1jNH0IIlnDhLF0Q/viewform?usp=sf_link
almost 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/geralt-9301/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1996845">Gerd Altmann</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1996845">Pixabay</a> student on a computer.
Hello Koogler Students and Families, Please remember that Parent Teacher Conferences are next Thursday and Friday. Conferences will be held online only. Conferences will be held online from 1:30pm-7pm on Thursday and 8am-12noon on Friday. To sign up for Conference please go to the student's Tiger Up Time (TUT) Google Classroom and check the stream to sign up. Don't forget there will be early release at 12:15 next Thursday and no school next Friday. We hope to see you in these important online meetings. Thank you, C.V. Koogler Middle School
almost 3 years ago, C.V. Koogler Middle School
Important Reminder-No School On Monday 10/18 due to staff professional development day.
almost 3 years ago, C.V. Koogler Middle School
KMS Fundraiser Extended! We are extending our World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser until 10/29. Students can still get permission forms, get chocolate, sell chocolate, turn in money, and win prizes! They can pick up permission slips in the office. All money will need to be turned in by 10/29/21.
almost 3 years ago, C.V. Koogler Middle School
Great news! The Official AMSD Store is now open! Want to get some great tiger gear AND support your school district? Just follow this link: https://www.aztecschools.com/page/district-store#!/
almost 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
A picture of shirts with the AMSD Logo on them
Just a reminder that we our partners from Curative are available to help with COVID testing at Fred Cook Stadium.
about 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Picture with a map of fredcook stadium, notes free COVID testing from Curative.com every Wednesday and Friday from 7:00-3:00.
Koogler School Pictures are Ready to Order Online! Individual Pictures are posted on the Photo-Synthesis Website at https://photo-synthesis.biz/ There is a purple bar that you will click on to go to the photo list, find your SCHOOL, click on it, enter your student ID number, when you click the photo a menu shows up with pricing. After ordering all photos will be mailed. ID Cars will be delivered to the school in approximately 1 week. Make Ups will be at 1 pm on Wednesday 9/15/21. PHOTO-SYNTHESIS 1426 Schofield Lane Farmington, NM 87410 505-327-4686
about 3 years ago, C.V. Koogler Middle School
Important update on COVID testing for this week.
about 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Picture showing change in testing schedule Curative will complete COVID testing on Wednesday only this week.
Important clarification from the PED regarding indoor athletics and activities.
about 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Clarification that all indoor activities require masks.
Koogler Picture Ordering Information Koogler Picture Day was this morning. The photos will be ready to view and order a few days after the photo session. Individual Pictures will be posted on the Photo-Synthesis Website at https://photo-synthesis.biz/ There is a purple bar that you will click on to go to the photo list, find your SCHOOL, click on it, enter your student ID number, when you click the photo a menu shows up with pricing. After ordering all photos will be mailed. ID Cars will be delivered to the school in approximately 1 week. Retakes/Make Ups will be scheduled in a couple of weeks for anyone who missed, we will let you know the date asap. PHOTO-SYNTHESIS 1426 Schofield Lane Farmington, NM 87410 505-327-4686
about 3 years ago, C.V. Koogler Middle School
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Koogler Picture Day is tomorrow from 8am-10:00am in the wood gym. Classes will be called down by class and all students will have their picture taken. Students will be given information about how to order pictures when they have their picture taken-no money is required ahead of time. AzTech Academy students please come to wood gym at 8. There will be a make up day in the coming weeks for any absent students.
about 3 years ago, C.V. Koogler Middle School
AMSD has partnered with Curative to provide another COVID testing site in Aztec. We will offer testing at Fred Cook Stadium. To sign up simply follow this link: https://curative.com/sites/31691 We hope this helps our community to have an additional and local testing option.
about 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
A picture of a map showing Fred Cook Stadium and providing details about testing included in the above text.
Koogler Afterschool Tutoring Starts tomorrow. It is from 3:30 to 4:30, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Students must have a contract signed by both themselves and their parents to attend. Students should line up at the library right after school if they are attending tutoring. Students will be expected to stay and do work the entire time. There is a bus home from tutoring. Please see attached contract for more details.
about 3 years ago, C.V. Koogler Middle School
KMS Tutoring Contract
Please do not forget that facemasks are required for all individuals in school buildings starting Friday, August 20.
about 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Picture of a facemask notifying families that Friday August 20 all masks must be worn.